sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010


mural pared

Un día descubro esta foto, navegando por internet,

no solo me gustó la acción maravillosa de ese salto, sino que me volvió loca el wallpaper,

pero como no me gusta leer… nunca supe de dónde provenía . Lo mío son las imágenes,

solo desde ese lugar puedo conectar.

Pero hoy descubro un blog


Claro que por supuesto solo las fotos me conquistaron !

y gracias a ella descubro el origen de este wallpaper.





blog 4



blog 3

“There is a perfectly legitimate reason for these pants.

It’s almost identical to the very famous Martinique (banana leaf) wallpaper, originally created  for the Beverly Hills Hotel in 1942.

I first came across the pattern in the Golden Girls (my favorite TV show ever) back when I was just an elementary school girl.

I had no idea what was really going on in the show, especially in Blanche’s bedroom, but I was glued to that wallpaper.

I had never seen such bold patterns on a wall before, and thus began my dream of one day owning a home just so I can cover it with the Martinique wallpaper.

Oh yes, and it’s still going. I have yet to own a home but I sure can afford to own these pants!”

La fotos se las saca su marido, Brian.

Me muero de amor!

(Eso si me gusta leer)


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